Thursday 13 December 2012

The Multiplying Multiplication Song

Worksheet 13

Solve the following problems.

1.   Mrs Lim made 435 pieces of chocolates cakes. She also made 225 pieces of 
      blueberry cakes. How many cakes did she make altogether?             

2.  Dato Harun Primary School has 1620 pupils. 780 of them are boys. How 
     many girls are there in that school?

3.  There are 18 papayas in a basket. How many papayas are there in 6 baskets?

4.  488 goldfish were put equally into 4 aquariums. How many goldfish were 
     there in each aquarium?

Worksheet 12

Organize the data below into the table.

Worksheet 11

Worksheet 10

Worksheet 9

A  Write the mass of each item below and fill in the blanks.
 B  Fill in the blanks.

Wednesday 12 December 2012